Issues or queries that can be communicated:

  • Labour practices within Entiba Energy that violate human rights, such as forced labour or workplace discrimination.
  • Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse towards employees or anyone with whom we engage as a company.
  • Negligence in workplace safety that endangers the physical integrity of workers.
  • Discriminatory practices in hiring or promoting personnel within the company.
  • Labour exploitation, including the failure to pay fair wages.
  • Environmental negligence.
  • Dishonest business practices that harm customers, suppliers, or other stakeholders.
  • Situations where consumer rights are ignored, such as the sale of defective products or misleading advertising.
  • Behaviours that do not comply with Entiba Energy’s internal regulations.
  • Any other action or policy that violates fundamental human rights or causes harm to individuals.
  • Enquiries of any kind related to Entiba Energy.

Content of the communication:

It is recommended that the communication includes the following information:

  • Specific details of the alleged violation:
    • Location, date, and involved persons if known.
    • Relationship with Entiba Energy.
  • Description of the alleged violation.
  • Provide any related evidence of the violation, if available.

It is important to note that personal data not directly related to the report should not be included.

Management of your communication:

After submitting the communication, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent within 10 working days. The content of the communication will be assessed by a manager once it is considered that the information is suitable for processing.

For a communication to be considered suitable, it must be sufficiently complete and pertain to the matters described in section 2.1.

If additional information is required to process the report, and the complainant has provided contact details, the complainant will be asked to provide the necessary additional information.

If no response is received to this request within 15 working days, it will be assumed that the complainant has withdrawn.

To allow you to track your communication, a unique case number will be assigned and communicated to you along with the acknowledgement of receipt. Please use this code if you wish to contact us again to receive updates on the processing or to provide more information about the case.

If the report is deemed relevant and justified, an investigation will be initiated which may include a period of testing and inquiries. Once the investigation is concluded, a report will be issued within a maximum period of 3 months (extendable by an additional 3 months in cases of particular complexity), and its essential content will be communicated to the complainant.

Employee Privacy Notice.

In the same way that you, as an employee, have the right to report incidents, inappropriate conduct, or any significantly improper behaviour, you could also be identified as responsible for an incident or be part of the relevant context of such an incident. In that case, your personal data may be processed through the channel during the handling of the report.

In serious cases, we may also access information on your work computer or communication systems. The legal basis and purpose of this processing are founded on our legitimate interest and legal obligation to ensure a safe working environment and to investigate any violations.

We will only retain the data for the time necessary to conduct the investigation and will not share it unless we are legally obliged to do so.

Aviso de protección de datos de carácter personal: En cumplimiento del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos en relación con los datos de carácter personal que haya proporcionado o pueda proporcionar a ENTIBA ENERGY SL o a su personal, le informamos que el responsable del tratamiento es ENTIBA ENERGY SL, con domicilio en calle VELÁZQUEZ 35, 2º DCHA. 28001 MADRID. Las finalidades del tratamiento de los datos pueden ser, según los casos: Prestar correctamente el servicio de mantenimiento de Granjas Fotovoltaicas y servicios consustanciales y complementarios a sus clientes; Seguimiento y archivo de expedientes de clientes; Gestión económico-fiscal; Gestión de blog y página web; Gestión de recursos humanos; Gestión de derechos y obligaciones RGPD.
Si necesita más información sobre el tratamiento de datos de carácter personal puede solicitárnosla, escribiéndonos a Como interesado tiene los derechos a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, solicitar la portabilidad de los mismos, y si procede, oponerse al tratamiento y solicitar la limitación de éste, los cuales puede ejercer por correo electrónico en


+34 91 506 46 90



9:00am – 6:00pm


+34 91 506 46 90



9:00am – 6:00pm